| 1. | Maintain healthy eating habit and eat meals regularly 需细嚼慢咽,食物容易消化 |
| 2. | 4 . maintain healthy eating and exercise habits 四维持健康饮食及运动习惯 |
| 3. | Mental health , healthy eating for adult exhibition 心理健康及识饮识食-成年篇展览 |
| 4. | Healthy eating requires a balanced intake of nutrients 健康的饮食就是要吸收均衡的营养。 |
| 5. | Young ambassadors to promote healthy eating 生署及港台活动推广性知识 |
| 6. | Healthy eating and healthy living booklets 健康饮食及健康生活小册子 |
| 7. | Young ambassadors to promote healthy eating with photo 幼童军及小女童军协助推广健康饮食附图 |
| 8. | A " food guide pyramid " is a guide for healthy eating 对照"食物金字塔" ,看看你的饮食是否健康 |
| 9. | Scouts , brownies promote healthy eating 小童军任大使推广健康饮食 |
| 10. | Claire : very funny . you need healthier eating habits 克莱尔:真好笑哦。你需要健康的饮食习惯。 |